Corporate News

Our aid project in Malawi

In times of Corona

For many years Dürr Technik has been supporting children, young people and adults in our aid project in Ntaja, Malawi. One question is currently driving us: How are the people there in times of the Corona Pandemic?

For weeks now fear of infection with the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been omnipresent in Malawi. At first glance, the official corona infections in Malawi are low. However, since there are almost no testing facilities available, the number of unreported cases of Covid-19 is very high. In Malawi all schools are closed. Sports events are cancelled. Since there is no social security, many people are threatened in their existence. Especially in the rural areas there is little knowledge about infection routes, dangers and prevention possibilities.


Dürr Technik and its local partners are currently focusing on education in the areas of hygiene and distance rules and on improving the nutritional situation. In detail, assistance is being provided in the form of:

1. Training courses

Recently a one-day training took place in Ntaja. Education about the dangers of corona as well as hygiene training and the production of soap were the main topics there. Locally produced soap is cheap and helps to protect people from infection with the corona virus SARS-CoV-2. A total of 40 participants took part in the training and are now spreading the knowledge to their families and neighboring communities. Knowledge and prevention can save lives in these times.


2. Radio broadcasts

Radio Lilanguka reaches a large part of the Yao in their own language. Currently, two regular self-produced programs on the subject are broadcast. In addition, there are broadcasts with information on distance rules and hygiene. Since there is no classroom teaching in the schools, educational programmes for young people are also broadcast.


3. Nutrition

Foundations for Farming (FFF)
Currently, almost 2,500 families in the region around Ntaja and Chisopi are involved in this programme. Until the beginning of the lock down, weekly training sessions were held in composting, agro-forestry, beekeeping and honey production, vegetable growing and tree planting in the villages.

Goat project
In the first 3 months of 2020, more than 250 goats were purchased and passed on to needy families.

Harvest 2020 - a great blessing
The past few years in Southern Africa have been characterised by long periods of drought and massive flooding. The rainy season from December 2019 to March 2020 went very well for the approximately 80% of Malawi's people who depend on agriculture.


4. Dürr Technology School - Chiyembekezo

Currently all schools in Malawi are closed. This includes the Dürr Technik School - Chiyembekezo. At the moment it is not foreseeable when classes at the schools can be resumed. Measures are currently being planned to provide comprehensive training for teachers and students, as well as their families, when the schools reopen.


5. Sports and youth work

Since all team games have been cancelled throughout Malawi until further notice, the various football and netball teams are increasingly involved in hygiene training in the villages around Ntaja.


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KNOWLEDGE CAN SAVE LIFE - Our aid project in Malawi in times of Corona

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With the oil-free SICOLAB med compressor, we offer our customers a first-class, tailor-made product solution for the compressed air supply of sensitive ventilators in doctors' surgeries and hospitals.

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The generated quality of compressed air for ventilators has been tested and approved according to the biocompatibility standard ISO/FDIS 18562.

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Digital transformation at Dürr Technik: Dürr Technik is facing up to digital change in the field of materials management. The comprehensive restructuring of materials management ensures, among other things, process reliability, faster and more economical processing as well as secure traceability.

We have opted for an integrated material management system with digital networking from Kardex, a leading Swiss supplier of warehouse systems. The old large parts warehouse was replaced by a new one. Now we are tackling the storage of small parts. Here, small parts are stored in Kardex shuttles and the picking processes are controlled digitally. In this process, the system produces a traceability label for each part, for example. This means that every product can be assigned 100% and individual identification is possible.

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