Corporate News

Schools in Africa reopened - Our aid project in Malawi

Current situation


The past few months have been a challenging time for our aid project in Malawi. Malawi currently has almost 53,000 cases of corona. The incidence is rising. The German Foreign Office has classified Malawi as a virus variant area. Travelling to Malawi is therefore extremely difficult.

Nevertheless, our project partner OM Germany was able to fly to Ntaja with 200 green caps of Dürr Technik in their luggage and get an idea of the current situation of our projects.

Schools throughout the country have been in lockdown for months, also other areas of public life. In March 2021, the school supported by Dürr Technik was finally able to reopen permanently. Currently, 198 students are taught in 7 classes and receive a meal every day in the school.

The rainy season from November to March was without drought or floods, so fortunately a good harvest could be brought in during the pandemic. Currently, a model project in the field of artificial irrigation is being set up, as there is hardly any rainfall from April to October.

In March 2021, a small gym was opened to offer young people in Ntaja in particular the opportunity to spend their free time in a meaningful way.

Corona aid:
In April 2021, with support of Dürr Technik, 29 special hospital mattresses, 250 kg of soap and 50 bottles of disinfectant could be handed over to the management of the district hospital as corona aid.

Scholarships for secondary school:
In order to enable children from particularly needy families to attend secondary school, 20 children now receive full or partial payment of the school fees.

We wish all the children and families in Ntaja all the best.

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