Corporate News

Company Participation in Chromalytic Ltd. raises the laboratory sector at Dürr Technik to a new level

Dürr Technik is pleased to announce its strategic investment in the successful British company Chromalytic, based in Fareham.
Chromalytic has a high level of expertise in the field of gas generators and offers a wide range of support and services. Thus, the two individual strengths of the companies can be combined in the laboratory sector.
This investment follows the strategy to extend the product and service portfolio of compressor solutions to gas generators. Together as "Dürr Technik and Chromalytic - A Dürr Technik Company" we can serve our customers in the laboratory sector even better and support them as a competent partner for all aspects of high-quality laboratory compressed air and laboratory gases.

"We are firmly convinced that this combination will create added value for our customers worldwide through an expanded product portfolio of gas generators and our joint global sales and service team", the two CEOs summarized.

More about Chromalytic at

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