Corporate News

Fertagus is highly satisfied with the D-100 (KK70) compressor from Dürr Technik.

Top performance in the transport industry.

We are very pleased that Fertagus, a private commuter rail company, has come to a positive conclusion after three years of cooperation. The KK70 D-100 compressor model has impressed Fertagus with its cost savings and reliability.

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Digital transformation at Dürr Technik: Dürr Technik is facing up to digital change in the field of materials management. The comprehensive restructuring of materials management ensures, among other things, process reliability, faster and more economical processing as well as secure traceability.

We have opted for an integrated material management system with digital networking from Kardex, a leading Swiss supplier of warehouse systems. The old large parts warehouse was replaced by a new one. Now we are tackling the storage of small parts. Here, small parts are stored in Kardex shuttles and the picking processes are controlled digitally. In this process, the system produces a traceability label for each part, for example. This means that every product can be assigned 100% and individual identification is possible.

Materials management 4.0 also has a lot to do with real-time: data processing should run almost simultaneously with the corresponding processes in reality. As a result, materials management will in future "press" the material into production instead of waiting for it to be "requested". Everyone will benefit!

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