Corporate News

To date, one million MEX vapour recovery pumps have been manufactured and delivered.

Valued by our customers for almost three decades.

For almost three decades, our vapour recovery pumps have been synonymous with safety, economy and the reduction of emissions at petrol stations worldwide.

As pioneers of oil-free piston compressors, we are very proud to have sold our one millionth MEX vapour recovery pump this year. This pump ensures that harmful petrol vapours are reliably returned to the storage tanks during refuelling.

This is a special milestone for Dürr Technik and shows that our customers appreciate our hard work and our sustainable products.

Discover the MEX range.

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News Archive

Dürr Technik has added a gas mixer to its portfolio as an ideal complement to the Nitrobeer nitrogen generator.

KNOWLEDGE CAN SAVE LIFE - Our aid project in Malawi in times of Corona

As a company that is committed to a sustainable corporate policy and assumes responsibility for climate protection, we rely 100% on renewable energies in our production...

With the oil-free SICOLAB med compressor, we offer our customers a first-class, tailor-made product solution for the compressed air supply of sensitive ventilators in doctors' surgeries and hospitals.

The compact and low-noise breathing air compressor for clean compressed air has been officially approved as a certified medical product since May 2019 and, thanks to its effective soundproofing, is a convincing, whisper-quiet product.
The generated quality of compressed air for ventilators has been tested and approved according to the biocompatibility standard ISO/FDIS 18562.

More information about the application
More information about the product SICOLABD med

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Wilhelm Sevens