Corporate News

World Quality Day 2022

Quality is one of the most important factors for corporate success.


World Quality Day, which takes place this year on the 10th of November, is a perfect occasion to realize the importance of quality management systems. After all, quality is one of the most important factors for the success of products and therefore also for the success of the manufacturing company. Quality management systems are influenced by many factors, first and foremost by the "human factor". Because at the end of the day, how successful a QA system is in the company depends to a large extent on the competence and motivation of the employees.

"We are all the more pleased that this year we have once again successfully passed the DIN EN ISO 9001, IRIS and KBA certifications."

Timo Huter, Head of Quality Dürr Technik, would like to expressly thank all colleagues at Dürr Technik for the excellent result and their commitment in preparing, conducting and following up the audits.

With our numerous certifications we meet the various requirements from a wide range of industries. As a member of various associations, we try to better understand the needs of our customers.

Here you can find all certifications and association memberships of Dürr Technik

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