
Keep your data safe, clean and always accessible

Oil-free compressors for the telecommunications industry

In every economic activity, dependence on digital technologies is becoming increasingly important due to the growing need to exchange electronic data. As for rail and electricity networks, telecommunication has become irreplaceable as an infrastructure for production, value creation and sales. A fail-safe infrastructure is hence one of the key factors for economic success.

To guarantee smooth operation of the telecommunication services, the wiring systems must be correctly installed and permanently protected from moisture and contamination.

With our oil-free compressors for the Telecommunication industry you can rely on a safe and clean solution. Thanks to our many years of experience in this field, we exactly know your requirements and we are your reliable partner for the realisation of your projects, whether for blowing in fiber optic cables, cable drying or waveguide drying.

Your advantages at a glance

Clean & safe
  • Particularly clean and dry air thanks to membrane drying system, air filter and integrated cooler
  • Oil-free technology ensures that functions are not affected by oil vapours
  • Suitable for use in continuous operation - even under extreme climatic conditions
Mobile & user-friendly
  • Mobile and compact stations - also portable models with low weight for on the go
  • Immediate commissioning
Durable & economical
  • Durable due to the use of high-quality materials in a low-friction design
  • Low life cycle costs thanks to low spare parts requirement
  • Maintenance-free

Blow in fiber optic cable - contact-free without contamination

Fibre optic cables play a crucial role in broadband infrastructure and are increasingly important for the telecommunication industry. Fibre optic cables are sensitive to mechanical factors, making blowing in the fibre optic using oil-free compressed air one of the preferred applications.

With this process, the fiber optic cable is introduced into the line at high speed without contact and without damage or contamination.

With our oil-free mobile compressor stations for blowing in fibre optic cables, we have specialised mainly in the field of FTTH (Fibre To Home Installation).

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Cable pressurization for safe data transmission

Copper cables ensure secure telephony and Internet use. For safe signal transmission, these cables must be protected from moisture and particles. Overpressure in the cable prevents moisture and particles from penetrating, this overpressure is generated and continuously monitored by an oil-free compressor.

With the various models of oil-free compressor stations specially developed for cable pressurization, we always offer our customers the ideal solution.

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Waveguide drying for highly confidential data

Companies and authorities as well as police and fire brigades, for example, all those who rely on the secure exchange of information, use high-frequency electromagnetic waves to transmit their confidential data. To ensure that these waves reach their destination without loss or interference, dry and clean air must prevail within the wiring system, which consists of waveguides. In order to protect the waveguides from penetrating particles or moisture, a slight overpressure is generated inside the waveguides. This is achieved by using an oil-free compressor to generate and supply the necessary pressure.
We have many years of experience in the field of waveguide drying. We would be pleased to introduce you to our first-class oil-free compressors for this sector.

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Matching products

How can we help you?

Get in contact with us by e-mail or telephone.

+49 7142 90 22-0
United Kingdom
+44 1761 422944
United States of America
+1 516-214-5659
Contact person

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Wilhelm Sevens